Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Brown Vikings at N.U - Continued

Moving to a new country, getting acclimated to a new culture, and beginning a university experience was tough. However, our initial thought of the faculty and staff at Northwood University was that they really cared for every student. They cared about your academic goals and career path. It felt like they were our second family. The warmth we received from them made us adjust to the new culture and college life much easier. Beyond feeling welcome, Northwood’s class sizes made the learning experience even more valuable. The professors had the opportunity to get to know every individual. These aspects made us successful and we were able to fulfill our academic goals.

The questions we would often hear from our peers was usually why we chose to come to Northwood University? We replied, “Because of the outstanding recognition it has globally as a specialty, private university focusing on business – from the corporate world, the automotive industry to fashion – Northwood knows how to develop the future leaders of a global, free-enterprise society”.

Before we moved to the U.S., I had always dreamed to study here and eventually make a career. We had the burning passion to succeed in our academic life, but also to become successful in our path of the corporate world. We heard so many positive things about Northwood University in Sweden and we actually talked with a number of consultants who recommended a number of different universities considering our goals for the future. With the majors Northwood University offers, its outstanding academic recognition, and the contacts Northwood has within the business industry, the choice became obvious. We knew that with this education in our hands, the opportunities would be endless.

Here’s a hint for the many international students who intend to come to a new country. We did experience a minor language barrier during the first few weeks in the U.S. Slang. For instance, we didn’t know that pop was a slang term for drinking soda like Mountain Dew. When we went to the movies and bought popcorn, our friend told us that we forgot to buy “POP,” and we thought he meant popcorn so I replied: “I already bought a big one!?” He replied, “No, pop means Coca-Cola.” So, Google as much as you can to learn about the country you are moving to. Although, a good laugh never hurt anyone!

Follow me on my blog and I’ll also include current events from N.U.
Until next time, take care and good luck!

PS. Auto show, homecoming and the Atlethic Hall of Fame is coming up next week! Be sure to be there!!!

Saidal Sadigi

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